
Making a difference on campus starts with you! We need all the help we can get to show administration what we care about and what needs to change. Below are ways that you can make a difference on campus or help us to voice your thoughts!

Attend our weekly Senate meetings

At 5:30 every Tuesday in room 3-270. At our meetings you can listen to what issues face the student body and can give your input and feedback on our discussion. All students are welcome and are allowed to participate in our discussions!

Attend our events

While we do like to have fun and give stuff back to Baruch students, our events are also meant as an opportunity for students to interact with our representatives and we guarantee at least one representative of USG will be there. This serves as an opportunity to talk to a representative about your concerns!

Join a committee!

Our committees focus on different aspects within and outside of Baruch and with your help our committees can be more effective.

Bring a proposal to USG

If there is something that you should think should be on our radar and feel passionately about it. Write a proposal or make a presentation. Let our EVP Joshua Castillo know you would like to be on the agenda for our weekly meeting and let us know whats wrong and how you think we should fix it.

Make your own committee!

If you have a long term project that we are not currently working on, make your own committee! Make a presentation, and let us know the issue, how you plan on fixing it, and why you think a USG committee is necessary to remedy the problem. If we agree, we will charter your committee and you can get to work solving the issues you care about!

Let us know what issues you are facing, and your proposed solution!