The best way to join USG is by joining one of our committees. Below is a description of all our committees! Reach out to the respective committee head to help!
Academic Affairs
Adelaide Ilyasov
We work to improve student-faculty relations through attending various faculty meetings and programs!
Asher Gonzalez
This committee handles all appeals by clubs and orgs on campus looking to get extra funding to throw their events.
Aliyah Jara
If you are a creative person and want to help bring design event flyers among many other things, join the graphics committee.
Campus Affairs
Dave Olajide
If you are excited about planning events and working towards making our campus facilities better, this committee is the one for you!
Clubs and Orgs
Amrutha Thirumalesh
If you are interested in club life and love attending events, join us!
Bricen Fisher
We work directly with funding for all active undergraduate organizations on campus for the next school year.
Legislative Affairs
Khairun Nisa
A forum where Baruch students may come together around issues and shared values and cause practical and extensive change as a community. Interested in Legislative Affairs?
Jessica Angamarca
We help market all things USG through our newsletter, social media, and through flyering and tabling! Interested?
Student Affairs
Skyla Chan
This committee holds some of the best events around Baruch and is responsible for promoting health and wellness!