our mission

The Baruch Student Government represents, promotes and protects the interests of the student body in Baruch college. as the voice of the student body, we aim to broaden the number of educational opportunities available to students, facilitate extracurricular activities, and improve quality of life on campus.



Stay updated by following our social medias and coming to Senate meetings or events. Feel free to reach out to our social media and senators with any questions or concerns you might have.


Make a difference

If there is something that you should think should be on our radar and feel passionately about it, write a proposal and make a presentation to the Senate. Once you write the proposal about the issue and how you think we should fix it, let our EVP Briana Staten know you would like to be on the agenda for our weekly meeting. Feel like the issue needs a USG committee? Mention in the proposal why a committee is needed and it could be chartered.